You must have motor insurance coverage before you can drive your vehicle in a public place. Motor insurance is here to protect you, your vehicle and other motorists against liability in the event of an accident.
It provides financial compensation to cover any injuries caused to people or their property.
There are three main categories of motor insurance:
Third-party only
This cover is the minimum legal requirement and ensures that compensation is available in respect of injury to other people (including your passengers) or damage to other peoples’ property resulting from an accident caused by you. It doesn’t cover any costs incurred by you as the result of an accident.
Third-party fire and theft
This provides the same cover as third-party only and also insures you should your vehicle be damaged by fire or stolen.
This provides the same cover as third party fire and theft and also covers you should your vehicle be damaged in an accident. Many additions to this level of cover are available from insurance companies including:
- roadside recovery schemes
- vehicle repairs in case of breakdown
- courtesy car while your car is being repaired
- legal expenses insurance
Nowadays motor insurance is such a competitive market that it is important to shop around and compare coverage on a like-for-like basis.
A policy can be arranged by Blestium Financial Services, which is a trading name of Martin Newell who is an appointed representative of The Openwork Partnership which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.